News & Articles By HRS Editors
By HRS Editors
Quick pickles: The perfect snack to add to your survival stockpile
Quick pickling is a simple food preservation method that you can use to preserve almost any kind of vegetable. With this method, you can quickly pickle vegetables like beets, carrots, onions and more. (h/t to Benefits of making quick pickles Here are some of the benefits of making quick pickles: Quick pickling is faster than […]
By HRS Editors
Amish foods that you need in your survival stockpile
Like preppers, the Amish value self-sufficiency. And if you’re a prepper, you might want to buy essential foods at Amish stores such as dried beans and fruits or canned vegetables. When disaster strikes, your stockpile of various non-perishable and long-lasting foods can help save your family’s life, or at least ensure that you don’t starve during an […]
By HRS Editors
Make your harvests last longer with these timeless food preservation techniques
Having a home garden on your property offers several benefits to homesteaders. Aside from allowing you to grow fresh, organic fruits and vegetables in your backyard, gardening also gives you the option to preserve some of your harvests for future use. If you’re not sure which method to try, detailed below are some of the best […]
By HRS Editors
Emergency food storage: Preparing for calorie shortages
Preppers work hard to prepare for different daily challenges and survival scenarios. One way you can prep before SHTF is to stock up on foods high in calories to prevent a calorie shortage. Before things go south, stock up on essential food supplies like beans, grains and freeze-dried vegetables. (h/t to Store your food supply in […]
By HRS Editors
Prepping basics: Quick and easy tips for future preparation
If you’re worried about the political climate in the U.S. or the ongoing wars around the globe, you might find peace of mind in preparing for emergencies. To keep things simple, start with one project. When you’re done with risk assessment, start building your survival stockpile and finalize an emergency preparedness plan for your whole […]
By HRS Editors
Stockpiling made easy: The ultimate guide to food preservation
With a flourishing home garden, you might often find yourself with excess fruits and vegetables. If there isn’t enough space left in your kitchen or fridge, you can use up excess produce by using food preservation techniques like canning or freeze-drying. This way, you can extend the shelf life of various fruits and vegetables while also […]
By HRS Editors
Top 5 prepping myths debunked
Preppers don’t always have a good reputation. In fact, non-preppers might even think preppers are paranoid hoarders or gun-crazy hermits. But that’s the furthest thing from the truth. In reality, preparedness is about making sure your family is safe during emergencies. It’s also focused on self-sufficiency. Below are common myths about prepping, debunked. (h/t to […]
By HRS Editors
6 Common stockpiling mistakes and how to avoid them
Having a food stockpile can be a lifesaver, especially if your family is dealing with a long-term survival scenario like a week-long power outage. If you’re currently building your food stockpile, here are some common stockpiling mistakes and how to avoid them. (h/t to Not having a variety of foods While beans, rice, flour, salt […]
By HRS Editors
Emergency preparedness: Foods to stockpile for any situation
If emergencies like hurricanes and other natural disasters are common in your area, you should prepare a stockpile of food and clean water for the whole family. Doing this means you have access to food, water and other supplies if things go south and you are without electricity and clean drinking water for more than one […]
By HRS Editors
How to pack a go-bag for quick evacuations
Your preps should include go bags for all family members. With go bags for the whole family, you can quickly prepare for emergencies that may require you to bug out or evacuate. (h/t to A go bag (or go-bag) is a bag that contains at least 72 hours’ worth of essential supplies, such as water, food […]
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