POTUS Trump should subsidize ORGANIC farmers and clean food to protect America from preventable diseases and disorders

Instead of subsidizing GM corn and GM soy with billions of taxpayer dollars like Trump has already done, wouldn’t it make much more sense to pump up the organic food industry with that $12 billion, so everybody could afford to eat clean, pesticide-free organic food regularly? Wouldn’t that be the ultimate “art of the deal?” After all, just like the President before him, the leaders of this country eat clean most of the time. Michelle Obama even kept an organic garden at the White House and served organic, nutrient-dense food to executive branch staffers. Trump may have a “sweet tooth” for junk food, but he serves organic food at his restaurants. Plus, Trump’s doctors say he’s in ideal mental and physical shape for his age (72), so you know he’s eating clean most of the time. Maybe the POTUS should put our hard-earned taxed money where his mouth is, literally.

U.S. Government and Big Food “sleep together” – remember when President Reagan “socialized” blood-clogging cheese and butter blocks?

Cancer, heart disease, arthritis, strokes, and dementia are all preventable diseases. They’re mainly caused by eating foods that clog your blood and warp your cells. Those are processed foods and genetically modified “Frankenfoods” that contain known carcinogens, food-agent chemicals, and pathogen-laden animal fat. Most people who are between 40 and 80 years of age easily recall when Ronald Reagan subsidized cheap, processed, life-shortening “American” cheese and butter, and dished it out through the welfare program to tens of millions of unsuspecting Americans.

As if it’s not bad enough that just about every metro-city street corner features a few fast food joints and a liquor store, the government, with its population reduction (eugenics) agenda, gave away toxic food for free. It’s all a perfect formula concocted by Uncle Sam, Big Food, and Big Pharma to propel chronic inflammation – the driving force for almost every preventable disease and disorder known to mankind. It was all distributed to America’s poor under the guise of the “Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program.” Get your free heart disease and cancer-causing food stuff right here!

The main reason 200 million Americans don’t eat organic food? They can’t afford it

President George W. Bush subsidized genetically modified corn and soy like there was no tomorrow. Barrack Obama hired biotech thugs to run the FDA, the USDA, and the EPA, opening the doors for more chemical-pesticide-laden crops to consume American farm lands and wind up in the mouths, stomachs and brains of most Americans, who don’t know any better, and probably never will. Even the consumers who do know the value of organic food still whine about the cost, even though they spend thousands more on medical care, surgeries, chemotherapy, and nursing homes.

How can organic food prices compete with conventional food prices when our government continues to subsidize the toxic stuff? The U.S. already has over 10 million acres of Frankenbeans (soy) planted, and 90 percent of the canola and corn in America is genetically modified to contain weed-killing, bug-killing, and human-killing chemicals. Then all those crops are heavily sprayed with the same chemicals (think of glyphosate here) they’ve been “engineered” to resist. We should just call the unsustainable farm belt the “pesticide belt” or the “Frankenfood belt” instead.

If the U.S. Government pumped some money into organic farming and paid off loans that organic farmers have on their tractors and machinery, then the price of organic food could be easily reduced to an affordable range, at least closer to that of conventional food and processed junk science food stuff that’s causing the majority of chronic but preventable (and curable) disease and disorder in this country.

Take a couple minutes right now and write an email to the President about the importance of organic food. We are asking the U.S. Government to subsidize organic food, organic farmers, and their farming equipment in order to save America from the preventable disease epidemics that are sweeping the nation, like cancer, heart disease, strokes, arthritis, chronic inflammation, and dementia. Heck, you could even cut and paste that sentence and send it to this address: https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

Step up to the plate and be that difference that you keep hoping for. Every little bit matters more than you might think. Science is proving that people who eat organic food regularly are much less prone to disease and disorder.

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